Registration Types and Fees *
Academic and Student Registration (virtual conference) includes the opportunity to present the paper and the conference proceedings. Registration only includes the publication and presentation of a single paper. Authors with more than one paper to publish and present must pay an extra fee for each additional paper.
Author Registration (virtual participation):
- Normal Registration: 125€
- Student Registration: 50€
- ISCA-UA Authors Registration: please contact the organizing committee
Attendance at conference sessions is possible for 50 euros (general public) or 20 euros (full-time students) to be paid using a bank transfer till the last date of registration for non-authors. Does not include conference material.
* Please note that there might be additional applicable taxes depending on the type of payment chosen and on the country where you are paying from when doing a bank transfer – the participants support the expenses.
** A student enrollment proof has to be sent to for validation